What is a Meme And How Do You Pronounce it?

What is a meme

What is a meme?

The term “meme” was created by Richard Dawkins, a biologist. Richard Dawkins first used the word in his 1976 work The Selfish Gene.

“A Meme is a virally sent picture decorated with messages, generally sharing pointed analysis on social images, social thoughts, or current events. A meme is basically a photograph or video, or it can be a block of text about a specific topic.”

In short words, we can define a meme as-

“A piece of media, frequently amusing, that spreads quickly through the web.”
A decent meme should be short, clever, interesting, relatable, and unique. The more a meme is spread, the greater the social impact it has.

this is a meme

How to pronounce meme?

how to pronounce meme
meem not may may

The right method to pronounce a “meme”, as per the Oxford English Dictionary and the BBC’s Pronunciation Unit,
is “meem” – not “may may” or “mee mee”

how to say meme